
Please share your own Krusty memories or a comment.
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Unknown said...

This is a awesome website. Well done. Are you part of the band or just a fan like me? :-)

Anonymous said...


Piefan said...

Can I have one 75 cent pie please? I'm sorry, all our pies are $4.50....

Dr "Buzz" Hitchcock said...

Fantaz-ballz site! The latest Fonterra Botulism scare reminded me of a lyric from "Georgie Pie" which brought me here. Man I love the WWW. I bumped into Matt at a dress-up party in Christchurch a few years ago. He is alive and well, can't quite remember what he's up to but he seemed well ;)

Geckomayhem said...

Found this when doing a search for Krusty because Maccas bought the Georgie Pie franchise and it's coming back, baby! Anyway, saw these guys live a couple of times. I was at their final gig at Parachute way back when, and it was awesome! I was expecting the last song to be "See ya round" but it was "No Fishin'". Hope they're all doing well, wherever they are these days. ;)

StaleMate said...

I remember their final gig at Parachute. I went on stage with a friend and we presented them with the Krusty banner we had signed by alot of people at Parachute that day. wished had got photos of that.

Jonathan Annett said...

Oh Wow.

I just did a random google search for "enlightenment cake krusty" thinking, there's no way that will be there.

kind of nice to hear it again after all these years.

For what it's worth, I'm Foxy, who mixed a few of the tracks and did a bit of audio work with the band back in the day.

mickeyj4j said...

Love this band shame they are not on spotify. Only other bands, groups and artists with similar names. Great website by the way.

Spider said...

Are you still a band

Unknown said...

How can I purchase "the lifeguard song" I just found it online. I remember Todd Friel playing it on Way of the Master Radio. Love this song.

Unknown said...

I live in the U.S.
I cannot find these albums online.
I cannot find mp3's of these albums.

you can message me on google+ if you have any info to help me.

Melissa Gregan said...

Loved these guys!!!! I think I still have the cd somewhere...I hope i do! Pure genius. Thanks for putting this online! I grew up in Hamilton and Auckland, was just asking my husband if he remembered them, but he grew up in chchch, sucks to be him not having heard them live!

Unknown said...

Found this site and had to listen to the 'Sticky the Cat' album one more time. Did a search for 'No Fishing -Krusty' after I heard The Lads; another band big in the same era, covering it on there TV show.

Unknown said...

Matt Stott now runs an international mental health ministry called Soul Tour with his wife Belinda, sign up for one of their courses and you'll be amazed at how much you don't know! Google Soul Tour to get in touch with them.

Unknown said...

This is awesome, I used to love this music when i was a kid .

Clint Dredge said...

Use to love your music and still do.
I remember seeing you guys in action at Lake Taupo Christian Camp where I worked and loved the balancing of a table on the chin.
Gonna listen to a few songs to sing along to and enjoy as I potter around the house doing mundane chores.
Pretty chuffed to get the first comment in for 2018 lol

Go well

Anonymous said...

First comment of 2019!

Gareth said...

Hey wow, been searching for these songs for YEARS! Just need to get them on YouTube...
Last time I heard Krusty was probably Summer Harvest.

Clintd said...

First comment for 2020 as I listen to the Georgie Pie song.
Use to take the kids to GP in Kelston and have massive ball fights with kids in the ball pit and then get an evil look from a staff member.
Greatest song ever written about Georgie Pie.

Unknown said...

I am soooo happy to find this website. This music brings back so many great memories. I've lived in Turkey for the last seventeen years and it's WONDERFUL to hear some crazy, untamed Christian music. Also, I have used the 'infation, inflation I'm gonna smash your face in' refrain many times through the years. Genius!

Anonymous said...

This brought back so many memories. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I have all three CDs was going to sell them on discogs but they are not listed too lazy to list them myself,.. oh well,.. might as well sit on them for another few dozen years